Manuel Wimmer
Privatdoz. Mag.rer.soc.oec. Dr.rer.soc.oec.
Manuel Wimmer
- Email:
- Phone: +43-1-58801-18829
- Office: HG0219 (1040 Wien, Favoritenstrasse 11)
- About: UML, Object-oriented Modeling, Domain-specific Modeling, Metamodeling, Model Transformation, Software Engineering, Web Engineering, Model Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Automation Engineering, Multi-disciplinary Engineering
- Orcid:
- Keywords: Model Driven Engineering, Web Engineering, Model Transformation
- Roles: Affiliated
Interoperability and Integration in Future Production Systems
Christian HuemerGerti KappelManuel WimmerHenderik ProperSiegfried ReichWernher BehrendtStefan ThalmannGeorg WeichhartAlois ZoitlKeywords:
Astract: Research in areas of Internet of Things (IoT), Industry 4.0 (I4.0), Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), consider system-of-systems composed of hardware and software systems that seamless work together. Interoperability ranges from compatibility (systems do not disturb other systems, but no interaction between systems) to integration (systems that share a common model/worldview). Between these extremes a continuum of interoperability exists.
In any case, interoperability is a model-driven approach - in contrast to data-driven or machine-learning approaches, for example. In general, models contain modules, connections, and behavior descriptions of different types.
Integration and interoperability may not only be seen as (goal) states but also as processes. Changes in one system might trigger adaptation in other systems. However, in loose integration and interoperability settings there is more support for the evolution of models.
Huemer, C., Kappel, G., Wimmer, M., Proper, H. A., Reich, S., Behrendt, W., Thalmann, S., Weichhart, G., & Zoitl, A. (2018). Interoperability and Integration in Future Production Systems. In 2018 IEEE 20th Conference on Business Informatics (CBI). IEEE Computer Society, Vienna, Austria. IEEE Computer Society.
A Variability Information Model for OPC UA
Bernhard WallyChristian HuemerAlexandra MazakManuel WimmerKeywords:
Astract: OPC Unified Architecture (UA) is a powerful technology for modeling and instantiating domain-specific information in a standardized manner. Its initial application scenario is in the domain of automated production systems, that increasingly have to deal with variability information, (i) regarding the products being manufactured and (ii) regarding the production systems themselves. In this work we propose a non-intrusive OPC UA information model for the modeling and querying of variability information using feature models, which are a well-known paradigm in the management of software product lines. Our information model can be applied "aside" existing domain information without interfering with their internal structure.
Wally, B., Huemer, C., Mazak, A., & Wimmer, M. (2018). A Variability Information Model for OPC UA. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 1033–1036).
Model-Driven Systems Engineering: Principles and Application in the CPPS Domain
Luca BerardinelliAlexandra MazakOliver AltManuel WimmerGerti Kappel
Berardinelli, L., Mazak, A., Alt, O., Wimmer, M., & Kappel, G. (2017). Model-Driven Systems Engineering: Principles and Application in the CPPS Domain. In Multi-Disciplinary Engineering for Cyber-Physical Production Systems (pp. 261–299). Springer.
Rahmenwerk zur modellbasierten horizontalen und vertikalen Integration von Standards für Industrie 4.0
Alexandra MazakManuel WimmerChristian HuemerGerti KappelWolfgang KastnerBirgit Vogel-HeuserKeywords:
Astract: In Anlehnung an die Umsetzungsempfehlung des deutschen Arbeitskreises zu Industrie 4.0 widmen wir uns in diesem Kapitel dem offenen Handlungsfeld der Standardisierung und Referenzarchitektur im Kontext einer modellbasierten horizontalen und vertikalen Integration. Wir zeigen, dass die Zusammenführung international etablierter Standards genutzt werden kann, um eine flexible Informationsarchitektur zu schaffen. Zu diesem Zweck präsentieren wir ein offenes, dreidimensionales Rahmenwerk von Standards für Industrie 4.0. Die erste Dimension berücksichtigt die Unterscheidung zwischen den unterschiedlichen Ebenen in einem Unternehmen, in Anlehnung an die klassische Automatisierungspyramide. Die zweite Dimension unterscheidet zwischen den internen und den externen Aspekten der horizontalen und vertikalen Integration. Die dritte Dimension differenziert zwischen der wirtschaftlichen Tätigkeit der teilneh-
menden Unternehmen im Wertschöpfungsnetzwerk und den technischen Aspekten des nahtlosen Daten- und Informationsaustausches.
Mazak, A., Wimmer, M., Huemer, C., Kappel, G., & Kastner, W. (2016). Rahmenwerk zur modellbasierten horizontalen und vertikalen Integration von Standards für Industrie 4.0. In B. Vogel-Heuser (Ed.), Handbuch Industrie 4.0 (pp. 1–22). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
From Architecture Modeling to Application Provisioning for the Cloud by Combining UML and TOSCA
Alexander BergmayrUwe BreitenbücherOliver KoppManuel WimmerGerti KappelFrank Leymann
Bergmayr, A., Breitenbücher, U., Kopp, O., Wimmer, M., Kappel, G., & Leymann, F. (2016). From Architecture Modeling to Application Provisioning for the Cloud by Combining UML and TOSCA. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science. 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER), Rome, Italy, EU.
Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS)
Name: MPM4CPS; Title: Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS); Begins On: 2014-10-01; Ends On: 2019-05-31; Context: European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST); View Project WebsiteCOSIMO: Collaborative Configuration Systems Integration and Modeling
Name: COSIMO; Title: COSIMO: Collaborative Configuration Systems Integration and Modeling; Begins On: 2014-01-01; Ends On: 2017-05-30; Context: Vienna Business Agency (WAW); View Project WebsiteARTIST: Advanced software-based seRvice provisioning and migraTIon of legacy Software
Name: ARTIST; Title: ARTIST: Advanced software-based seRvice provisioning and migraTIon of legacy Software; Begins On: 2012-10-01; Ends On: 2015-09-30; Context: European Commission; View Project WebsiteTROPIC: A Framework for Model Transformations on Petri Nets in Color
Name: TROPIC; Title: TROPIC: A Framework for Model Transformations on Petri Nets in Color; Begins On: 2009-03-01; Ends On: 2012-08-31; Context: Austrian Science Fund (FWF); View Project WebsiteAMOR: Adaptable Model Versioning
Name: AMOR; Title: AMOR: Adaptable Model Versioning; Begins On: 2009-02-01; Ends On: 2011-09-30; Context: SparxSystems Software GmbH; View Project WebsiteTeam
Business Informatics Group, TU Wien
Christian Huemer
Ao.Univ.Prof. Mag.rer.soc.oec.Dr.rer.soc.oec.
Dominik Bork
Associate Prof. Dipl.-Wirtsch.Inf.Univ.Dr.rer.pol.
Gerti Kappel Dipl.-Ing.inMag.a techn.
Henderik Proper
Univ.Prof. PhDResearchers
Aleksandar Gavric
Univ.Ass. MEng. B.Eng.Galina Paskaleva BSc
Marianne Schnellmann BSc MScMarion Murzek
Senior Lecturer Mag.a rer.soc.oec.
Marion Scholz
Senior Lecturer Dipl.-Ing.inMag.a rer.soc.oec.