
List of Courses

Business Informatics Group, TU Wien

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Project in Computer Science 1

Andreas Rauber (Lecturer)Andrea Morichetta (Lecturer)Franz Puntigam (Lecturer)Karl Michael Göschka (Lecturer)Schahram Dustdar (Lecturer)Philipp Alexander Raith (Lecturer)Julia Neidhardt (Lecturer)Gerti Kappel (Lecturer)Stefan Neumann (Lecturer)Alireza Furutanpey (Lecturer)Eva Kühn (Lecturer)Thomas Grechenig (Lecturer)Jens Knoop (Lecturer)Tamara Drucks (Lecturer)M. Anton Ertl (Lecturer)Pantelis Frangoudis (Lecturer)Peter Knees (Lecturer)Thomas Gärtner (Lecturer)Patrick Indri (Lecturer)Allan Hanbury (Lecturer)Maria Christakis (Lecturer)Sabine Andergassen (Lecturer)Henderik Proper (Lecturer)Sagar Malhotra (Lecturer)Stefan Nastic (Lecturer)Clemens Heitzinger (Lecturer)Christian Huemer (Lecturer)Andreas Krall (Lecturer)Jürgen Cito (Lecturer)Stefan Biffl (Lecturer)

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Semester: 2025S; Nr: 194.145; Type: PR; Hours: 4.0; Language: if required in English;

Working on a larger project from conception to practical implementation, individually or in a group. Students improve their communication and presentation skills. They learn to develop new methods based on familiar ones and to assess the consequences of professional decisions.

Project in Computer Science 2

Andreas Rauber (Lecturer)Andrea Morichetta (Lecturer)Franz Puntigam (Lecturer)Karl Michael Göschka (Lecturer)Schahram Dustdar (Lecturer)Philipp Alexander Raith (Lecturer)Alireza Furutanpey (Lecturer)Eva Kühn (Lecturer)Thomas Grechenig (Lecturer)Jens Knoop (Lecturer)M. Anton Ertl (Lecturer)Pantelis Frangoudis (Lecturer)Thomas Gärtner (Lecturer)Allan Hanbury (Lecturer)Maria Christakis (Lecturer)Henderik Proper (Lecturer)Stefan Nastic (Lecturer)Christian Huemer (Lecturer)Andreas Krall (Lecturer)

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Semester: 2025S; Nr: 194.146; Type: PR; Hours: 4.0; Language: if required in English;

During the course of this project students will realize a practical assignment beginning with a coarse-grained requirements definition culminating in a final prototypical realization. The exact definition of your project assignment will be done together with your advisor and depends on the chosen topic, the topic's complexity, and the size of your team (if you are working in one).

Orientation Informatics and Business Informatics

Hilda Tellioglu (Lecturer)Florian Michahelles (Lecturer)Christian Huemer (Lecturer)Monika di Angelo (Lecturer)Andreas Krall (Lecturer)

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Semester: 2024W; Nr: 180.766; Type: VU; Hours: 1.0; Language: German;

Diese Lehrveranstaltung bietet eine Einführung in die Informatik als Studium und als Arbeitsfeld. Die LVA soll Interesse am weiteren Studium wecken und die Studierenden in die Lage versetzen, die im weiteren Studium präsentierten Inhalte besser einzuordnen.

Fachliche und methodische Kompetenzen: Studierende können ...

  • erklären, was Informatik ist;
  • die Strukturen und Prozesse einer Universität darstellen;
  • Lernmethoden und Organisationsformen für das erfolgreiche Fortkommen im eigenen Studium anwenden.

Kognitive und praktische Kompetenzen: Durch die theoretische und praktische Auseinandersetzung mit den Inhalten werden folgende kognitive Fertigkeiten vermittelt:

  • Auswahl und Einsatz von Strategien, Methoden und Werkzeugen zur Anwendung verschiedener Denk- und Problemlösungsformen;
  • selbständige Wissenssuche und Wissenserwerb.

Soziale Kompetenzen und Selbstkompetenzen: Umgang mit Möglichkeiten zur Auswahl der Studienrichtung oder Orientierung im Sinne des Berufsbildes, teilweise gemeinsam mit anderen Studierenden. Kennenlernen bzw. Austausch mit anderen Studierenden am Anfang des Studiums.

Seminar for Master Students in Data Science

Marion Scholz (Lecturer)Peter Knees (Lecturer)Thomas Gärtner (Lecturer)Allan Hanbury (Lecturer)Christian Huemer (Lecturer)

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Semester: 2024W; Nr: 180.772; Type: SE; Hours: 1.0; Language: English;


Seminar for Master Students in Software Engineering & Internet Computing

Andreas Rauber (Lecturer)Schahram Dustdar (Lecturer)Dominik Bork (Lecturer)Maria Christakis (Lecturer)Katja Hose (Lecturer)Stefan Nastic (Lecturer)Andreas Krall (Lecturer)Robert Ganian (Lecturer)

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Semester: 2024W; Nr: 180.777; Type: SE; Hours: 1.0; Language: English;

Aim of course

The goal of this course is to additionally support students when drafting their Master thesis and preparing for the final defense. Students will get feedback from professors and other students, and can learn from the presentations of their colleagues. Furthermore, this course facilitates community building in the area of information systems engineering and supports students in finding topics for their prospective Master theses.

Semester: 2024W; Nr: 180.779; Type: SE; Hours: 1.0; Language: English;


Introduction to Programming 1

Mauro Tempesta (Lecturer)Michael Reiter (Lecturer)Sofia Futterknecht (Tutor)Karl Asinger (Tutor)Dietmar Schreiner (Lecturer)Nathaniel Boisgard (Lecturer)Stefan Podlipnig (Lecturer)Sebastian Zambanini (Lecturer)Martin Riener (Lecturer)Marion Murzek (Lecturer)Kiara Kolisch (Tutor)Jürgen Kogler (Lecturer)Markus Angermann (Lecturer)

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Semester: 2024W; Nr: 185.A91; Type: VU; Hours: 4.0; Language: German;

After a positive attendance of the course, students are able to

  • implement and execute short programs,
  • translate programming tasks given in natural language into excecutable source code,
  • apply practices and use tools for the implementation of programs,
  • implement described algorithms.

Semester: 2024W; Nr: 188.446; Type: SE; Hours: 2.0; Language: if required in English;

During this seminar current state-of-the-art research results are presented and their applicability and sustainability are scrutinized.

Semester: 2024W; Nr: 188.512; Type: SE; Hours: 2.0; Language: German;

Gaining experience in searching and analysing literature related to own research work.

Semester: 2024W; Nr: 188.923; Type: VU; Hours: 4.0; Language: English;

The goal of the lecture part is the elaboration of basic concepts of model driven software development.

The goal of the lab part is the elaboration of practical assignments around the topics taught in the lecture part. Thereby students will get familiar with model driven software development tools using one big example.