Manuel Wimmer
Privatdoz. Mag.rer.soc.oec. Dr.rer.soc.oec.
Manuel Wimmer
- Email:
- Phone: +43-1-58801-18829
- Office: HG0219 (1040 Wien, Favoritenstrasse 11)
- About: UML, Object-oriented Modeling, Domain-specific Modeling, Metamodeling, Model Transformation, Software Engineering, Web Engineering, Model Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Automation Engineering, Multi-disciplinary Engineering
- Orcid:
- Keywords: Model Driven Engineering, Web Engineering, Model Transformation
- Roles: Affiliated
Reuse in Model-to-Model Transformation Languages: Are we there yet?
A. KuselJ. SchönböckManuel WimmerGerti KappelW. RetschitzeggerW. Schwinger
Kusel, A., Schönböck, J., Wimmer, M., Kappel, G., Retschitzegger, W., & Schwinger, W. (2013). Reuse in Model-to-Model Transformation Languages: Are we there yet? Software and Systems Modeling, 14(2), 537–572.
Evolution of Business Documents Based on UN/CEFACT's Core Components
Christian PichlerChristian HuemerManuel WimmerKeywords:
Astract: Standardized business documents are a prerequisite for successful information exchange in electronic business transactions. The United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and eBusiness (UN/CEFACT) provides a conceptual modeling approach, called Core Components, used by Business Partners (BPs) for defining business document models (BDMs). BDMs are essential for defining service interfaces in service-oriented systems. However, in such a highly dynamic environment with ever-changing market demands, BPs are confronted with the need to revise their BDMs resulting in a multitude of different versions. BPs may dictate the use of new versions of BDMs, but small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may not always adopt new BDM versions due to the cost and effort involved, inhibiting automated electronic information exchange. In this article, we propose a framework including (i) a classification of the impact of changes in BDMs, (ii) evolution templates for the automated transformation of business documents between different BDM versions, and (iii) mitigation strategies for evolutions where fully-automated and semantic-preserving transformations are not feasible. Having such a framework at hand provides SMEs with a low-cost and light-weight approach for dealing with evolving market requirements and hence evolving business documents. Finally, we analyze the evolution of UN/CEFACT's Cross Industry Invoice which has been mandated to be used for electronic invoicing within the European Union as well as present a critical discussion of the evolution templates defined.
Pichler, C., Huemer, C., & Wimmer, M. (2013). Evolution of Business Documents Based on UN/CEFACT’s Core Components. International Journal of Software and Informatics, 7(2), 331–356.
Reality Check for Model Transformation Reuse: The ATL Transformation Zoo Case Study
Angelika KuselJohannes SchönböckManuel WimmerWerner RetschitzeggerWieland SchwingerGerti Kappel
Kusel, A., Schönböck, J., Wimmer, M., Retschitzegger, W., Schwinger, W., & Kappel, G. (2013). Reality Check for Model Transformation Reuse: The ATL Transformation Zoo Case Study. In 2nd Workshop on the Analysis of Model Transformations (AMT) @ MODELS’13 (pp. 1–10).
Mayerhofer, T., Langer, P., Wimmer, M., & Kappel, G. (2013). xMOF: Executable DSMLs Based on fUML. In Software Language Engineering (pp. 56–75). Springer.
TETRABox - A Generic White-Box Testing Framework for Model Transformations
Johannes SchönböckGerti KappelManuel WimmerAngelika KuselWerner RetschitzeggerWieland Schwinger
Schönböck, J., Kappel, G., Wimmer, M., Kusel, A., Retschitzegger, W., & Schwinger, W. (2013). TETRABox - A Generic White-Box Testing Framework for Model Transformations. In 2013 20th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC). 20th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), Bangkok, Thailand, Non-EU. IEEE.
Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS)
Name: MPM4CPS; Title: Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS); Begins On: 2014-10-01; Ends On: 2019-05-31; Context: European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST); View Project WebsiteCOSIMO: Collaborative Configuration Systems Integration and Modeling
Name: COSIMO; Title: COSIMO: Collaborative Configuration Systems Integration and Modeling; Begins On: 2014-01-01; Ends On: 2017-05-30; Context: Vienna Business Agency (WAW); View Project WebsiteARTIST: Advanced software-based seRvice provisioning and migraTIon of legacy Software
Name: ARTIST; Title: ARTIST: Advanced software-based seRvice provisioning and migraTIon of legacy Software; Begins On: 2012-10-01; Ends On: 2015-09-30; Context: European Commission; View Project WebsiteTROPIC: A Framework for Model Transformations on Petri Nets in Color
Name: TROPIC; Title: TROPIC: A Framework for Model Transformations on Petri Nets in Color; Begins On: 2009-03-01; Ends On: 2012-08-31; Context: Austrian Science Fund (FWF); View Project WebsiteAMOR: Adaptable Model Versioning
Name: AMOR; Title: AMOR: Adaptable Model Versioning; Begins On: 2009-02-01; Ends On: 2011-09-30; Context: SparxSystems Software GmbH; View Project WebsiteTeam
Business Informatics Group, TU Wien
Christian Huemer
Ao.Univ.Prof. Mag.rer.soc.oec.Dr.rer.soc.oec.
Dominik Bork
Associate Prof. Dipl.-Wirtsch.Inf.Univ.Dr.rer.pol.
Gerti Kappel Dipl.-Ing.inMag.a techn.
Henderik Proper
Univ.Prof. PhDResearchers
Aleksandar Gavric
Univ.Ass. MEng. B.Eng.Galina Paskaleva BSc
Marianne Schnellmann BSc MScMarion Murzek
Senior Lecturer Mag.a rer.soc.oec.
Marion Scholz
Senior Lecturer Dipl.-Ing.inMag.a rer.soc.oec.