
List of Projects

Business Informatics Group, TU Wien

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Web of Needs INfrastructure

Christian Huemer (Leader)

Name: WIN; Title: Web of Needs INfrastructure; Begins On: 2012-07-01; Ends On: 2014-10-31; Context: Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG);


Type:Grant funds
Source:FFG - Österr. Forschungsförderungs- gesellschaft mbH
Body:Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Programs:Bridge, Basic programs

Der wirtschaftlich genutzte Teil des World Wide Web leidet an einer fundamentalen Asymmetrie. Während eine große Zahl an kommerziellen Angeboten online verfügbar ist, sind die Bedürfnisse der KonsumentInnen nur in seltenen Fällen explizit repräsentiert. Daher ist der am häufigsten angewandte Prozess, der KonsumentInnen mit AnbieterInnen verbindet, die Web-Suche. Wir entwickeln im vorliegenden Projekt eine Infrastruktur, die es KonsumentInnen ermöglichen soll, ihre Bedürfnisse im Web so zu publizieren, dass AnbieterInnen in einem semi-automatischen Prozess mit ihnen interagieren können. Dadurch sollen die Notwendigkeit der manuellen Web-Suche reduziert und neue, disruptive Applikationen ermöglicht werden.

DARWIN - Model-driven Development and Evolution of Semantic Infrastructures

Gerti Kappel (Leader)

Project Website

Name: DARWIN; Title: DARWIN - Model-driven Development and Evolution of Semantic Infrastructures; Begins On: 2012-03-01; Ends On: 2015-02-28; Context: Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG);

Keywords: model-driven, Modeling language, MDE, SI, Semantic Web


Type:Grant funds
Source:FFG - Österr. Forschungsförderungs- gesellschaft mbH
Body:Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Programs:Basic programs
Source:LieberLieber Software GmbH


The main goal of DARWIN is to provide an extensible framework based on well-established conceptual modeling languages and model-driven engineering techniques enabling developers to entirely develop and evolve SIs at an appropriate level of abstraction. To accomplish this goal, a prototype will be developed. Case studies will be conducted in cooperation with “JoinVision”, “Team Communication Technology Management Gmbh (Team)”, a company currently conducting a FIT-IT Semantic Systems project to leverage ontology-driven situation awareness in large-scale control systems, as well as “Gemeindeinformatikzentrum Kärnten (Giz-K)”, a company focusing on building and maintaining eGovernment solutions based on SIs. Together with these demonstrators and external experts from academia, namely Jordi Cabot (École des Mines de Nantes), Dragan Gaševic (Athabasca University), and Steffen Staab (University of Koblenz-Landau) and from industry (“Franz Inc.”, supplier of commercial, scalable RDF Graph Database products) we intend to evaluate the applicability of our prototype for developing and maintaining the Semantic Infrastructures of Semantic Web applications as well as traditional applications. Along this overall research focus, DARWIN pursues three key research goals: Model-driven Semantic Infrastructure Development, Change-Aware Development Environment, Semi-Automatd Co-Evolution.

E-business Registry Permitting Enterprise Liaisons

Christian Huemer (Leader) (Member) (Member) (Member)

Project Website

Name: ERPEL; Title: E-business Registry Permitting Enterprise Liaisons; Begins On: 2010-05-01; Ends On: 2013-08-31; Context: Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG);

Keywords: Inter-organizational Systems , Business Document Standards, E-Business Registry , Semantically Enabled ERP-Systems


Partner:BMD Systemhaus GmbH
Partner:BOC Unternehmensberatung GmbH
Partner:Blue Monkeys GmbH
Partner:MESONIC Softwareentwicklung GmbH
Partner:Paradigma Unternehmensberatung GmbH
Partner:Smejkal Ges.m.b.H.


Type:Grant funds
Source:FFG - Österr. Forschungsförderungs- gesellschaft mbH
Body:Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Programs:FIT-IT, Thematic programme

Astract: The project ERPEL targets at an e-business registry serving as a backbone for executing on-the-fly e-business transactions between semantically enabled ERP systems. By on-the-fly e-business transactions we understand transactions that are conducted between companies, which are not yet in a partnership and dynamically find each other in order to engage in e-business transactions. These business partners have to find each other according to both their business needs and technical capabilities. This is supported by the ERPEL registry. Today, registries are often successfully used within a company, but there are hardly any success stories on public registries to support B2B. One reason is that registry entries may not be considered trustworthy. In order to avoid fake entries, the ERPEL registry will reconcile data with business directories of legal authorities. Furthermore, companies usually do not trust other unknown companies. In order to foster trust in this context we build upon techniques known from social networks. Thereby, we aim at establishing business networks within the ERPEL registry. Finding an appropriate business partner, it is important to know her business capabilities or in other words which products she offers. Usually companies maintain their product portfolio in their ERP system, but hardly anyone is willing to maintain this portfolio in another data store, i.e., the registry. Thus, we develop a seamless integration of the product portfolios, held in the ERP systems of the project partners, into the ERPEL registry. In order to avoid a proliferation of different naming and descriptions of the same products, we apply semantic techniques for product classifications. A search in the registry has to disclose the technical capabilities of a potential business partner in order to ensure interoperability. Overloaded business document standards, missing process choreographies, and a variety of communication protocols hamper an effective search. Thus, ERPEL follows a bottom-up approach starting from core documents with well-defined extension mechanisms, and unambiguous business choreography specifications. Furthermore, ERPEL comes with a default communication protocol specifically targeting SMEs. These unambiguous specifications allow the development of business service interfaces (BSI) that are integrated into the ERP systems. BSIs guarantee the execution of e-business transactions between customers of different ERP systems.

Rail track gauging Austrian Federal Railways

Christian Huemer (Leader) (Member)

Name: SWITCH09; Title: Rail track gauging Austrian Federal Railways; Begins On: 2009-07-01; Ends On: 2009-08-31; Context: Berner & Mattner Systemtechnik GmbH;

Keywords: process visualization, business process modeling, business process reengineering


Source:Berner & Mattner Systemtechnik GmbH

Astract: The project SWITCH09 aims at capturing the processes of rail track gauging at the Austrian Federal Railways in a formalized manner. The captured process model facilitates the communication of existing processes between different departments and may be used to detect bottle-necks in the current process flow. The rail track gauging process detects damaged parts of railway tracks and railway track switches in particular. The repair process of the damaged track parts is currently done manually. With the investment in a new maintenance machine the repair process will be done in a semi-automatic manner in the future. Apart from capturing the actual process, the process to-be under consideration of the new maintenance machine shall be captured as well.

TROPIC: A Framework for Model Transformations on Petri Nets in Color

Gerti Kappel (Leader)Manuel Wimmer (Member) (Member)

Name: TROPIC; Title: TROPIC: A Framework for Model Transformations on Petri Nets in Color; Begins On: 2009-03-01; Ends On: 2012-08-31; Context: Austrian Science Fund (FWF);

Keywords: Model-Driven Software Development, Model Transformation Languages, Colored Petri Nets


Partner:Darmstadt University of Technology
Partner:Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Partner:University of Aarhus
Partner:Université de Nantes


Type:Grant funds
Source:FWF - Österr. Wissenschaftsfonds
Body:Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

Astract: Model transformations play an important role in software engineering in general and in the area of model-driven engineering in particular, representing the key mechanisms for model translations (e.g., translating an ER model into a UML class model), model augmentations (e.g., weaving aspects into a UML class model), and model alignments (e.g., mapping a content model to its GUI view), to mention just a few. Several kinds of dedicated model transformation languages have emerged during the last years, which allow specifying and executing transformations between source and target metamodels and their corresponding models, respectively. However, none of these languages, not even the QVT-standard proposed by the OMG, became generally accepted as a state-of-the-art technology for model transformations. This rare adoption of model transformation languages in practice is due to several reasons. First, existing model transformation languages do not provide appropriate abstraction mechanisms to deal with the complexity of structural heterogeneities of different metamodels. Second, they lack suitable reuse mechanisms in order to reduce the high and error-prone effort of specifying recurring transformations. And finally, these languages exhibit an inherent impedance mismatch between the specification and the execution of model transformations in terms of a one-to-many derivation of concepts, thus hampering both, understandability and debuggability. The aim of this project is to establish a framework called TROPIC (Transformations on Petri Nets in Color) for developing model transformations which tackles these limitations. First, TROPIC allows to specify model transformations on different abstraction levels, providing both a declarative mapping language based on UML 2 component diagrams which hides implementation details, and derived from that, an executable transformation language using Coloured Petri Nets. Second, TROPIC facilitates reusability by providing an initial library of generic transformation operators which can be bound to arbitrary metamodels and by allowing to extend this library on demand with new, user-defined, transformation operators, optionally composed out of already existing ones. Finally, TROPIC overcomes the impedance mismatch by supporting a dedicated runtime model in terms of Coloured Petri Nets, allowing for a homogeneous representation of all transformation artefacts (i.e., models, metamodels and the transformation logic itself), which fosters understandability and debuggability of model transformations. The methodology for evaluating the proposed framework builds on three major pillars. First, appropriate case studies for transforming heterogeneous structural as well as behavioural models will be set up and implemented with different existing model transformation languages, including TROPIC, the results being evaluated on basis of a suitable subset of the ISO 9126 software quality model. Second, the findings of these case studies will be further critically reflected by conducting an empirical study with students from our model engineering courses (around 200 master students every year). Third, dedicated workshops will be held together with internationally renowned inventors of other model transformation languages to additionally review the value of our proposed framework.

AMOR: Adaptable Model Versioning

Gerti Kappel (Leader)Philip Langer (Member) (Member) (Member)Manuel Wimmer (Member) (Member) (Member)

Project Website

Name: AMOR; Title: AMOR: Adaptable Model Versioning; Begins On: 2009-02-01; Ends On: 2011-09-30; Context: SparxSystems Software GmbH;

Keywords: Model-Driven Software Development, Conflict Detection, Conflict Resolution, Model Versioning, Adaptable Model Versioning System


Partner:Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Partner:Sparx Systems Software GmbH


Source:SparxSystems Software GmbH
Type:Grant funds
Source:FFG - Österr. Forschungsförderungs- gesellschaft mbH
Body:Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)

Astract: The development of complex software systems requires appropriate abstraction mechanisms in terms of model-driven engineering techniques (MDE) and proper support for allowing developers to work in parallel in terms of version control systems (VCS). For realizing the vision of MDE, a bundle of standards for model transformations, model storage, and model exchange has been made available recently, whereas the versioning of models has not gained the necessary attention yet, although being of paramount importance for the success of MDE in practice. Existing VCS in the area of MDE suffer from three main deficiencies comprising erroneous conflict detection, unsupportive conflict resolution and inflexibility with respect to domain-specific modeling languages (DSLs) and associated tools. With AMOR (Adaptable Model Versioning) we propose novel semantic-based methods and techniques to leverage version control in the area of MDE. The innovations of AMOR are manifested in three key research goals. Firstly, AMOR aims at precise conflict detection, i.e. previously undetected as well as wrongly indicated conflicts should be avoided. For this, we incorporate knowledge about the type of modifications the models have undergone and knowledge about the semantics of the modeling concepts used. Secondly, AMOR focuses on an intelligent conflict resolution by providing techniques for the representation of conflicting modifications as well as relieving users from repetitive tasks by suggesting proper resolution strategies. Thirdly, AMOR targets at an adaptable versioning framework, empowering the user to flexibly balance between reasonable adaptation effort and proper versioning support while ensuring generic applicability to various DSLs and associated tools. The solutions to these challenges are realized by means of the AMOR prototype. The method for evaluating AMOR builds on three major pillars, comprising experiments, empirical studies and a case study, integrating AMOR into the commercial UML-tool Enterprise Architect. Thus, AMOR will represent a research test bed as well as an industrial showcase for further commercial exploitation.

ebInterface 3.0 - electronic invoicing

Christian Huemer (Leader)

Project Website

Name: ebInterface 3.0; Title: ebInterface 3.0 - electronic invoicing; Begins On: 2009-01-01; Ends On: 2010-02-28; Context: Austriapro c/o Wirtschaftskammer Österrecih;

Keywords: Document Standards, e-Billing, Electronic Data Interchange, Electronic Invoicing


Source:Austriapro c/o Wirtschaftskammer Österrecih

Astract: The Austrian e-billing standard ebInterface has been supported by major Austrian ERP-vendors. Thus, the XML-based ebInterface standard may be used in Austria to exchange invoices by electronic means. However, the critical mass of adopters has not yet been reached, which limits the full potential of electronic e-billing in Austria. In order to become more attrective to potential adopters the ebInterface standard have to be revisited according to the following issues: * Update of the standard to incorporate requirements reported from the ERP-vendors, early adopters and potential adopters. * Evaluation of a concept for plug-ins into the standard that allow industry-specific extensions to the standards * Simplification of those parts of the standard that cause misinterpretation and hinder adoption of the standard

Public Private Interoperability

Christian Huemer (Leader) (Member)

Name: PPI; Title: Public Private Interoperability; Begins On: 2008-10-01; Ends On: 2011-09-30; Context: Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG);

Keywords: business documents standards, inter-organizational systems, service-oriented architectures


Partner:Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft mbH


Type:Grant funds
Source:FFG - Österr. Forschungsförderungs- gesellschaft mbH
Body:Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)

Astract: The research studio Public Private Interoperability (PPI) develops methods and tools targeting the inter-organizational integration of enterprises and organizations of the public sector. Service-oriented architectures and their implementation by Web Services are the current state-of-the-art technologies for this kind of integration problems. However, Web Services are agnostic toward the structure of the information / documents being exchanged. The studio PPI focuses on the exchanged business documents and considers a model-driven approach for the definition of the interfaces. The resulting method and a corresponding tool set have to provide a mix between re-usable document building blocks and business context specific adaptation of business documents. The method must not be limited to a single business document standard language or business document ontology. PPI delivers concepts for the platform-independent definition of business documents as well as for the transformation between different business document standards / ontologies. Evidently, PPI integrates existing, well accepted business document standards, like UBL 2.0, into its prototypical implementation of a tool set. The re-engineering of existing business document standards will reduce time and costs in the development of new business interoperability interfaces and will allow the platform-specific transformation between business document standards.

Development of a WEB-based database for the global administration of CAN-Data

Gerti Kappel (Leader)

Project Website

Name: Rosenbauer-DB; Title: Development of a WEB-based database for the global administration of CAN-Data; Begins On: 2008-09-01; Ends On: 2009-04-30; Context: Rosenbauer;

Keywords: CAN-data management, object-relational mapping



Astract: Within this project a database solution for the global administration of CAN-data for the enterprise Rosenbauer is developed.

Business Semantics on top of Process Technology

Christian Huemer (Leader) (Member) (Member) (Member) (Member) (Member) (Member)

Name: BSopt; Title: Business Semantics on top of Process Technology; Begins On: 2008-04-01; Ends On: 2010-09-30; Context: Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG);

Keywords: Business Models, Business Process Models, Web Services


Type:Grant funds
Source:FFG - Österr. Forschungsförderungs- gesellschaft mbH
Body:Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)

Astract: The BSopt project will deliver an integrated methodology for inter-organizational systems spanning from business models over business process models to their execution in a service-oriented architecture (SOA). Integrating business processes into a SOA is certainly a hot topic. However, most current approaches are limited to the technical process aspects, disregarding the economic drivers of the information society. In contrary, BSopt will consider the formalization of the semantics of new business models due to faster changing business environments, their support by appropriate business processes and their implementation in flexible architectures. We will incorporate state-of-the-art approaches to describe business models, business process models and deployment artifacts in SOAs. However, we will go beyond the state-of-the-art by connecting the dots between these approaches allowing for a semi-automatic mapping between them. This will result in an integrated methodology spanning over all layers that is based on a meta model incorporating the semantics of the assimilated approaches. Furthermore, we demonstrate the customization of the BSopt approach by integrating a domain (= industry) specific ontology by means of the print media industry. A critical point in reaching user acceptance is tool support for the BSopt methodology. Following advanced software engineering concepts, we will implement the integrated BSopt approach as a software factory based on a so-called domain specific language (DSL). For this purpose we have to use a meta-modeling tool, that allows us to specify the BSopt meta model within this tool. Furthermore, the software factory will guide a modeler in a wizard-driven style through the BSopt methodology requiring not as much modeling know-how as in traditional modeling languages such as UML. The meta-modeling tools being used in BSopt are the Microsoft DSL tools for Visual Studio and ADONIS. The goal of a software factory-based approach is creating high quality code in shorter time. Code created by the BSopt tools are deployment artifacts (BPEL, WSDL, XAML,etc..) to be consumed by existing software environments ¿ in our case the Oracle SOA Suite and the Microsoft Workflow Foundation. The BSopt approach will be validated by case studies in the print media industry.